Livestock breeders’ livelihoods improvement project in Ash-Shahil village


The project duration: two months

Target area: Ash-Shahil City

This project began on 16/01/2020 and ended on 16/03/2020, and targeted livestock breeders in Ash-Shahil village. 3281 beneficiaries from Ash-Shahil city benefitted from the project that provided vaccines against smallpox, enterotoxemia and foot-and-mouth diseases and salt licks to supplement the deficiency of minerals.

The number of livestock vaccinated:

  • Cows: 5931
  • Sheep: 60549
  • Goats: 4409

Number of salt licks distributed: 10,000


Pressure exerted by people to benefit from the project

A large part of the sheep were in the badiyah and couldn’t come to the project place.

Low temperatures

Lessons learned

Meeting with locals and educated people, and explaining to them about the feasibility of projects in the long term.

Dedicating some activities to remote areas that do not benefit from the project.

Giving more time for implementing activities to avoid delays due to low or high temperatures.