The campaign included many written posters and a good number of video graphics that contain texts inciting and enrolling in education. It also addresses parents and children of children to be aware of the danger that their children will remain without education.
At the end of the campaign, we distributed bags to students in the city of Tire, north of Deir Ezzor, as a gift and encouragement to them so that they would still have a passion for education and perseverance in obtaining it.
قسم من هذه الأنشطة هو بالأساس لمنظمة سام ولكن بسبب عدم الحصول على الترخيص آنذاك, اضطررنا لنشرها باسم ديرالزور24 , كما أننا نعمل على تجهيز موقع ومنصّات خاصة بمنظمة سام لنشر الأنشطة الخاصة بالمنظمة وحتى المشاريع المقبلة وكل ما سوف يتم العمل عليه .