Project of improving cattle raisers’ livelihood in al-Khaboor area


Project period: 4 months

Targeted area: The towns of al-Atal, al-Kasar, al-Takihi, Daman, Mashekh, al-Sajar, and Tayyib el-Fal 

The project started on January 1, 2021, and will end on March 15, 2021. The project targeted 300 cattle raisers in the aforementioned towns.

During the project, the Sam team vaccinated the cattle against Enterotoxaemia and internal and external parasites, according to the following statistics:

  • 1,084 cows
  • 25,501 sheep
  • 1,508 goats

During the project, the team distributed the following materials to the beneficiaries

650 kg of Cetamol and hypothermic for the cattle.

4,500 salt licks each weighs 5kgs.

926 tons of barley forage

4,500 kgs of dry forage supplements

1,500 kgs of melting forage supplements

The team has held over ten guidance sessions for cattle raisers about the provided vaccinations and medicine and benefits of forage supplements and barley for feeding the cattle and increasing the amount of milk and other products.


We faced challenges related to applying for jobs and people’s pressure to get jobs as a result of the deteriorating living situation in the area. We overcame this matter by explaining to the people what the purpose and employment mechanism is, and that it depends primarily on the relevant certificate and field experiences that contribute to the success of the project.

We had a problem in determining the accurate regular statistics of the number of livestock in the village of Al-Jurdhi, as it has a large number of livestock, which necessitated the Sam organization to send two teams consisting of 15 statistic workers over a period of 3 days to register the exact numbers of cattle there.

Raisers who own large numbers of livestock in the desert asked to benefit from the vaccines and treatments provided by the organization, which prompted the administration to explain to them that the organization’s work is limited to the administrative boundaries of the village of Al-Jurthi and within the lists and specific numbers and to explain to them that the organization will present to the donors project proposals to benefit from vaccinations and veterinary treatments in the future.

Due to the current security situation in the area, the majority of the employees were selected from the residents of the targeted village because of their knowledge of how to deal with the people. The organization selected an expert Safety and Security Officer who is able to secure the team during work and determine risks and difficulties that could face them in the area.

The people who have few livestock that are not among the specified criteria for the beneficiaries pressured to obtain vaccines and veterinary treatments, and the organization explained to them that this project is the beginning of a series of service and development projects and livelihood programs that will target all components of society.


The Lessons learned:

It is necessary to search more for influential people and dignitaries in the area who have a role in the local community to show the importance of the work of organizations and their effective role in achieving development and stability in the area.

Prior coordination with the local authorities before any security campaign takes place in the area, in order to develop an alternative plan for the course of action in terms of prioritizing or postponing any activity within the project program.

The criteria for selecting beneficiaries should include those who have few livestock because their living conditions are poor and they need continuous support from organizations.